Dear Forum Member,
Following on from the very successful public event held on 11 June, we would like to invite you to the second Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum public meeting. This will again be at Grey Court School (Sandy Lane entrance), starting at 7pm, on Tuesday 10 September. Please see our website for more information:
The majority of this meeting will be in a workshop format, with plenty of opportunities for you to come up with ideas on issues that interest you, such as the local environment, roads and traffic, local transport, nature conservation, energy and much more. We plan to have a table per topic with the opportunity for everyone to have input into three areas that interest them.
We are also anticipating electing the forum committee at this second meeting, and are looking for three people to be area representatives for the neighbourhood forum committee. If you would like to stand for election as an area representative, please email [email protected] no later than 6 September with the names and addresses of a proposer, a seconder, and about 100 words on what you can bring to the committee. We expect committee meetings will be held once a month for the first six months, becoming less frequent after that.
We hope to see you at the next meeting. Could we ask you to pass this information on to your friends and neighbours, to let them know about the meeting and the opportunity to stand as a representative?
Many thanks,
The set-up group for the Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood