Membership of Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum Committee – After AGM 20th November 2014
Forum Chair:
Voluntary & Community
- 1 Amenity Groups: Anne Powell (Ham and Petersham Association)
- 1 Faith Groups: Brian Willman (St Peter’s Church) & Penny Frost (St Richard’s Church) shared post
- 3 ‘area’ reps from local residents: Andy Rogers, Justine Glynn, and Geoff Bond
- 1 Sports organisations: Joe Noble (Kew & Ham Sports Association)
- 2 Community Groups: Sam Payne (Ham & Petersham SOS), Sir David Williams
8 representatives
Service Providers & Businesses
- 1 Education: Sam Leir (Head Teacher, Russell School)
- 1 Housing: Ros Elliott (Richmond Housing Partnership, Area Manager)
- 1 Health: Dipak Nandha (kanset Pharmacy)
- 1 Police: Sgt. Paul Dowsett (Safer Neighbourhood Team sergeant)
- 1 Youth: Ben Skelton (Area Youth work Lead)
- 1 Social services: Helen McNally (Acting Children’s Centre Managers)
- 2 business reps – Naomi Campbell (Property Manager Ham House), Stan Shaw (Ham Parade Traders)
- 1 Library: Kim Hacker (Libraries Area Manager)
- 1 Ward Councillor: Jean Loveland
10 representatives