Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum
Public Meeting 10 September 2013
Grey Court School
Start 7.00pm Finish 9.00pm
- Welcome and Introductions – Maggie Bailey Head Teacher Grey Court School (5 minutes)
- Brief update on progress on Neighbourhood Forum application, timetable and funding – Andrew Beedham (5 minutes)
- Explanation of visioning topics by facilitators (1 minute each – 10 minutes)
- Three x 15 minutes topic group sessions + 5 minute swap overs (60 minutes)
- Summary feedback from each facilitator (1 minute each – 10 minutes)
- Explanation of Constitution and composition of Forum Committee – Maggie Bailey (5 minutes)
- Questions and comments from Forum (15 minutes)
- Discuss and confirm constitution and committee (10 minutes)
- Close of meeting, date of next Forum (tbc) and opportunity to make more suggestions on topic boards
Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum web site https://hamandpetershamforum.org/
Richmond Council web site for Neighbourhood Forum application consultation http://goo.gl/yXnKt